
Becky Longacre

registered nurse

Health coach

Becky Longacre has been a registered nurse since 2006.  As a clinician and as a patient herself she has observed how profound the impact of self-care (or lack thereof) affects the health and well being of people. How well you take care of yourself can predict whether or not you will die early versus have a prolonged and happy life. The consequence of this is huge.

Her business, Health Transformers LLC is a health coaching service centered around self-care in the context of healthy, happy, sustainable weight loss and personal development.  It is possible to lose weight.  Many of us need a little bit of help to get us started and keep up going. Accountability goes a long way in achieving goals.

There is no shame in asking for help!  We all need it from time to time!

So, what is Health Coaching? Health Coaching is a service provided by a qualified individual who helps you identify barriers to your behavioral change. You may "know" what you need to do but are having a hard time actually doing it. Health Coaches help you remove the barriers and keep your goals list small so you stay focused and actually achieve the results you are looking for. We meet initially to establish your "big picture goals" (say, lose 20 pounds and feel empowered in your life) and then, week by week we work on "micro wins" (say, getting back to working out and decreasing your portions sizes).  

By focusing on the "micro wins" we move toward the larger goals you have.

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To contact Becky directly, email her at 


Call/ Text Today: 207-400-7897